Typoésie by Jérome Peignot is a wonderful book full of typographic explorations. My friend, Anisa, shared her copy with me when we worked together at M/W. I tracked down my own copy from Paris in the days before extensive, online book shopping existed. Published in Paris, 1993, 461 pages. *[Get your own copy here or here.]
how nice those would look framed in an office. i'll be getting this book soon!
Posted by: Jessica | 29 May 2009 at 11:47 AM
super sweet! i'm glad someone else loves letters. i thought i might be the only one obsessed with letter fonts and sizing. seriously i tell people, i don't know, that i like their handwriting. usually the response is thanks with a question mark "thanks?". you know, the kind that means stop talking to me crazy lady. yeah, i need help but i'm totally buying this before my letter intervention.
Posted by: jorda | 29 May 2009 at 06:56 PM